
Changing the way cancer is detected

Globally, over 10 million people will die from cancer this year. Early detection is the first step in finding a cure. Our proprietary multi-algorithmic approach advances detection and diagnosis across a number of cancers—providing answers sooner, and improving outcomes. Below are just a few examples of how cancers can benefit from early detection and diagnosis.


Lung Cancer - Enhancing the power of traditional screening and detection tools

With ~240,000 people diagnosed with lung cancer each year, it is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States. Annual screening using a low-dose CT scan is recommended for early detection. However, traditional screening only reaches a small percentage of candidates (1-16%*). Most lung masses, or nodules, are not detected during screening, but incidentally, when imaging techniques are being used for any number of common clinical care pathways. When found, it is often difficult for the physician to distinguish between a cancerous and benign nodule.

This creates a dilemma for the patient and physician. Should they proceed with an invasive and risky tissue biopsy or wait and start a cycle of re-imaging every 3-6 months? Genece helps solve the dilemma by introducing a blood test, or liquid biopsy, to look for circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) when a nodule is found by imaging. The inclusion of a molecular test, and informing on the presence or absence of ctDNA, allows patients and providers to gain more confidence when choosing a path forward.


Breast Cancer - Better detection options are needed

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in the United States. Early detection can save lives and treatment costs. Screening guidelines were recently updated to note that mammography is insufficient for up to 50% of women, those with dense breast tissue. Adding a Genece liquid biopsy test to complement mammography can provide more confidence in screening results for physicians and the 50% of patients with dense breast tissue.

Ovarian and other reproductive cancers - Identifying simpler methods of detection

Ovarian cancer is the fifth leading cause of cancer deaths in women. These cancers are often only visible at a later stage using current imaging detection methods when the prognosis is much worse. Symptoms of ovarian cancer are typically vague, creating difficulty in triaging. Liquid biopsy testing offers the promise of detecting cancer much earlier, leading to faster treatment and improved outcomes.

For many gynecological cancers, there are no established screening methods. Liquid biopsy assays provide an opportunity to fill these gaps by potentially offering a more convenient, comfortable and predictive screening process.

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