
A single blood draw. Low-cost cancer detection.

By using WGS to test thousands of patient samples, our algorithms deliver insights into cancer detection and diagnosis.

Low-Pass Whole Genome Sequencing (LP-WGS)

Our cost-effective and rapid turn-around solution starts with low-pass whole genome sequencing (LP-WGS) performed at our CLIA-certified laboratory. Cells can shed DNA into the bloodstream, known as cell-free (cfDNA). cfDNA derived from tumors has a unique DNA profile. Using only a single blood draw, cfDNA is isolated and then sequenced. LP-WGS can help to detect this DNA and identify the key features that define early cancer.

Fragment End Motif Size Analysis (FEMS)

cfDNA fragments can be analyzed from LP-WGS results. Specific sizes and signature patterns found on the ends of these fragments (FEMS) inform on the presence or absence of tumor DNA as well as important biological information about the tumor.

Artificial Intelligence and Deep Machine Learning

The FEMS ensemble algorithms are derived using powerful AI and machine learning techniques. FEMS' combination of fragment and end-motif technologies creates up to 30,000 genetic features available for analysis in each sample.

Using a library of thousands of samples, Deep Learning tools identify patterns and create signatures that allow us to accurately distinguish normal DNA from tumor DNA in a patient’s blood sample.

The future of cancer detection

Along with our current technology, we’re continually learning everyday as we gather and process more data. These findings can be applied across the cancer care continuum to not only detect cancer, but to monitor therapy response and help guide treatment decisions.

Our Applications

Discover how we’re using our technology across different types of cancer.

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About Us

Learn more about Genece and how we’re disrupting cancer detection.

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